May (A)I Help?

Achieving sustainability goals: AI assistance for EU compliance


ecospective GmbH



Overwhelmed by the new EU CSRD Directive?

From 2025, the EU expects large companies to document their sustainability efforts in detail. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) must be taken very seriously: If the report is inadequate, companies risk being denied bank loans, for example. Time is running out for companies to comply with the CSRD.

The service provider Ecospective supports companies on their way to a complete sustainability report. However, the information burden can be a barrier to entry.

In order to make access as easy as possible for their clients, Ecospective turned to Centigrade.


Centigrade developed an AI assistant to familiarise people with the topic of CSRD directly at Ecospective and to facilitate access to advice.

Do I need to prepare for a counselling session? 🙀

Paradoxical, but you may be familiar with the problem. You want to get advice on an issue, but you feel that you need to prepare for the discussion by gathering information beforehand. Managers, in particular, often don't have the time to do this, which makes such discussions a challenge. This is where the AI assistant comes in.

Removing barriers to entry and facilitating access

To make it easier for companies to get to grips with the complex topic of sustainability reporting, an AI assistant in the form of a chatbot offers direct help. So before you have to make an appointment, you can simply find out more about the topic.

Meeting customers where the are

Our chatbot provides the ideal foundation for advice sessions by identifying what customers really need. Is the topic relevant to them? How much prior knowledge do they have? By answering these questions in advance, we make communication more efficient and less redundant.

A tailormade solution

The AI assistant is based on the OpenAI Large Language Model. However, we go beyond the standard option of a custom GPT in the GPT store. We rely on a customized solution, adapted to the needs of Ecospective in the frontend and independent of the OpenAI environment in the backend. Among other things, this means that customers do not need a Plus membership with OpenAI to use the assistant.

Fast, sustainable & agile 🤛🌍💨

Our AI assistant is a universal base that can be easily customized for our customers. In just one month, we were able to implement our chatbot, which seamlessly integrates into Ecospective's processes and corporate design. We thank Ecospective for the successful cooperation and are proud to drive sustainable projects together. 💚

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